An evening in our studio …

Posted in Shared Moments

An evening in our studio …

The Bouillon de Notes Crew.

This evening, the Bouillon de Notes crew is getting together at Detlef’s studio in Freiburg, Germany. It is an evening in which music will reunite us, in which we will share a unique and magic moment, and in which taste buds and musicality will create poetry.



Detlef is already behind the mixing desk preparing for the first notes to be played; the tape ready to record, he sets up the sound, switches on the lights and connects the amplifiers.

He is delighted that we are coming and hums the last piece that the whole crew put together the previous evening. He has prepared a surprise for us. During the week, he has mixed our last recording, is now impatient to see our reactions and is already looking forward to future improvisations.

Hand on his tummy, his appetite whetting, he wonders what my basket has in store for us …The last time, the rum babas won unanimous approval. Fresh mango and pineapple mixed with vanilla cream, accompanied by the babas saturated in rum syrup; a delight; a wonderful encounter of taste borne by music fired the inspiration in each one of us.

Yes, this evening will be a moment that none of us will want to miss.


Uli is our drummer the drums dictate his steps. He is as proud as a peacock because his new drum kit has arrived; it has been set up in the middle of the studio. His eyes glisten like those of a child in front of his Christmas presents; whether joy or tears, he looks a little crazy. The whole week, till the wee hours of the morning, he and the drums have surrendered to each other, without wearying, and this evening he is going to introduce the drums to us since they have already become one.

Michael and Frank were the first to get together with us at our apartment, amongst the roofs in the heart of Alsace. Michael has sampled all my recipes and, with me in the kitchen, knife in hand, tea towel tucked into his apron, he patiently devoted himself to elaborating a dish amazed at the secrets that each prepared dish held. Whilst the El Dorado of flavour stimulated his palette, Frank immortalised the dishes that emerged from the oven with clicks; the arrogance of the meringues contrasted with the impetuosity of the rhubarb, the fondant of the chocolate cake or the crustiness of the pastry.

Frank is the one who captures our smiles, our glances, the moments in which we are carried away by the music, the sensitivity of the notes that unite each one of us. He hears us and his trained eye makes him our photographer of choice.

It is he who, seeing our collective talent, took this step; he captures what inspires us in a flash of light and his photos leave us surprised at ourselves.

Michael and Frank prepare the equipment: the light boxes, filters, reflectors, tripods and load the car.

The evening will begin soon.

Dirk arrives at the studio, guitar in hand and video equipment on his shoulder. What with instruments, amplifiers and other electronic equipment, you are always carrying heavy things when you are a musician. If you are also a cameraman then that’s pretty much guaranteed. Dirk has the ear of a musician; his harmonies reflect his dexterity on the guitar, his notes sing through his strings and his fingers slide through the melody that matches that of his eye as a cameraman to the relationship between tonality and colours. He films our expressions, captures the inspiration stimulated by the improvisation of another, and surprises us by making films of our simple moments in life – films that we will never tire of watching.

Ruebe has discarded his tie and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. He frees himself from his working day in order to loosen his pianist fingers. His key board is waiting for him, as we are. His hands speak for him. He gives feeling to the music, his fingers dance over the keys, the melody twirls and carries everyone to a cosy place. He glances over at Ralf on the bass, he raises the tones, and Ralf understands and responds. They are together.

Today, Ralf has his 5-string bass. It is his; he adopted it immediately. He is also as happy as the others and Frank captures the sparkle in his eyes with his camera. Ralf is to music what an instrument is to a musician. He loves to give, transmit to others what his travels and musical discoveries have given him. He shares his taste of flavours, the fruits of his attention, and his encounters with other musicians.

Today, my basket holds a new dessert: an apple and raspberry upside-down cake, covered with a fondant and crunchy meringue. Ruebe would love to start by tasting it. He is fond of food. His impatience whets his appetite even more. But the cake has to wait.

Music opens the evening as an invitation to this shared moment. Finally music and flavours will blend at the pleasure of being here.



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