Swiss Leckerli are always welcome especially around this time of the year – it’s Swiss Carnival!
1,4 Kg
100 g candied orange peel or alternatively home made the night before 2 untreated oranges |
Wash oranges, cut in half, squeeze and retain juice. Pour juice using a strainer to separate pulp. Add water to make 300ml of fluid. |
Cut remaining orange halves in 2 (quarter) pieces, scrape out remaining pulp. | |
The sirup: 300 g of sugar 1 tbsp of vanilla sugar 300 ml fluid (water & juice) |
Add sugar to fluid and bring to a boil using medium heat. |
When sugar is absorbed reduce heat and boil for 5 more minutes. Then submerge pieces of orange peel and allow to candy for about 30 min. | |
Preparation time / 15 minutes Low heat / 30 min after boiling Allow to sit for 1 night |
Remove from heat, take out candied orange peel to sit for 1 night, Sitting on a grid |
The next day | Cut orange peel into squares of 5 x 5mm |
(swiss) Leckerli 300 g of whole almonds |
Roughly chop up almonds into small pieces. |
400 g of pine honey 150 g sugar 1 tblsp vanilla sugar |
Mix honey, sugar and almonds in a large pot using low heat for about 10min. Constantly stir and wait till melted. |
1 package of gingerbread spice or: 2 tsp nutmeg powder 1 tsp clove 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp bicarbonate grated lemon peel of 1 lemon grated orange peel of 1 small orange 3 tblsp Kirsch (Schnaps) 120g diced candied orange peel |
blend and mix well gingerbread spice, grated lemon & orange, diced cherries and candied orange peel. |
380g flour | Add flour and mix well to a smooth, homogeneous paste. |
Pre heat oven to 180°C. | |
20g soft butter to grease parchment paper | Spread greased parchment paper on a baking sheet. |
Moisten hands and spread paste to a 5mm layer on top of parchment paper. | |
When temperature is reached insert baking sheet to oven and bake for about 20 to 25 min till edges begin to turn into a golden brown color. Check the dough in the middle of baking sheet with a pointy, sharp knife. When pulling out the knife has to be dry. Don’t bake too long to prevent Leckerli from becoming too dry. | |
Icing: Juice of one lemon 100g icing sugar |
Mix lemon-juice with icing sugar in a small bowl to make a viscous fluid. Add sugar if necessary. |
Brush icing on top of dough immediately after baking. | |
Preparation time / 10 min. 180° 20 / 25 min. |
Using a pointy knife cut Leckerli on a wooden board into rectangular pieces of 3 cm x 1 cm while dough is still warm. | |
Cookies keep well in cellophane bags or in a tin box. |