These lemon zest macaroons are easy to prepare and always appreciated during the Christmas season.
Makes about 70 cookies
4 egg whites | Beat egg whites till firm peaks form. |
190 g ( 1 1/2 cups ) of icing sugar 1 tbs vanilla flavoured sugar |
Gently blend in icing sugar and vanilla flavoured sugar. |
250 g. ( 3 cups ) grated coconut Zest from one fresh lemon |
Add the grated coconut and the lemon zest and mix well. |
Set aside in refrigerator for 1 hour. | |
Preheat oven to 150 °C ( 300 °F ) | |
30 g ( 2 tbs ) soft butter to grease parchment paper | Cover baking sheets with buttered parchment paper. ( 2 baking sheets will be required for this quantity of macaroons ) |
With moistened fingers, shape dough into little balls, the size of a walnut and place on buttered parchment, about 3 cm (1 inch) apart. | |
Preparation time / 10 minutes Resting time fridge/ 1 hour Oven temperature: 150 °C – 300 °F / 12 minutes |
Bake for about 12 minutes, till edges become golden. Do not over-bake – macaroons should be soft and chewy inside, yet crispy / crunchy on the outside. |
Set aside on rack to cool. | |
These macaroons may be kept in cellophane bags or in a tin box. |
Lemon oil may be used in aromatherapy. Researchers at The Ohio State University found that lemon oil aroma does not influence the human immune system, but may enhance mood.
Thank you for your comment, Jeana! we are happy to try out new ideas and experiences of others.